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February is Age-related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month

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Early detection for the onset of all types of age-related macular degeneration is key to preserving vision for as long as possible. For Dry AMD, an early diagnosis means opportunities to reduce risk, delay onset, or slow progression of vision loss through lifestyle changes and supplements.  Yearly eye exams are crucial for early detection and […]

Cataracts & Cataract Surgery – What It Means For You

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Everyone has heard about cataracts and cataract surgery but how will it affect you when the time comes.  If you live long enough, you will eventually develop a cataract.  As you age that cataract will gradually worsen and affect your vision.  Here are some FAQs regarding cataracts and cataract surgery: Q:  How will I know […]

All Eyes On Fall!

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We know here in Texas after weeks of 100+ degree heat, who isn’t ready for fall right?    The crisp cool fall air, football games and the holidays right around the corner.   Ahhhhh!  Come by Long Vision and check out our frame selection for a new stylish fall color.    If you don’t have vision […]

May is Healthy Vision Month

Your Eye Health Matters May is Healthy Vision Month! Did you know that there are multiple ways you can promote healthy vision? One of the best ways is to get an eye exam regularly. Eye exams can provide early detection of vision problems and possible health conditions and taking steps to promote healthy vision is […]

April is Seasonal Allergies Month

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Stay ahead of allergy season! When your immune system identifies an allergen and begins to overreact, it’s already too late. This is when your eyes begin to water, itch, swell, and may become red and swollen. Talk to your eye doctor today about ways to combat the symptoms or better yet, beat them to the punch. […]

March is Reduce Your Blue Light Exposure Month

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How many hours a day do you spend staring at a screen? An hour? Three hours? More?  This might be a reason your eyes feel tired or strained at the end of the day. Many digital devices emit blue light, and blue light exposure may contribute to digital eye strain. Call our office and find […]

Maintaining a Youthful Face: Fillers

We will be discussing how fillers play a role in maintaining a youthful face as we age. Every year our face changes and we lose volume in certain areas that we associate with with aging. Some of these areas include the cheekbones and lips to name a few. We also notice folds such as those […]

The Non-surgical Facelift

Many people have asked me why all the celebs have flawless skin and a perfect face.  Well, there are many reasons and most people think they’ve had a lot of surgery.  The road to a youthful face requires many things such as genetics & general health but, most importantly a good and consistent maintenance routine. […]

September is Healthy Aging Month

September is Healthy Aging Month recognized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology One in six Americans age 65 and older have a vision impairment that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. The risk of eye disease increases with age, yet many older adults neglect to see an ophthalmologist for care. To bring attention […]

Nov. is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month

Report From American Academy Of Ophthalmology November Is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month. Did you know that diabetes is the leading cause of new blindness among adults? According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (www.aao.org), approximately 24 million people in the United States have diabetes and nearly one-quarter of them do not know it. Diabetes […]

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